Saturday, March 29, 2008

Days 5, 6, 7 Stop Smoking

Hi, I'm back for an update. Days 5 and 6 went very good. I didn't have hardly any withdrawal symptoms. I drank a lot of water and did some deep breathing exercises. Anytime an urge comes on I know I need to get moving. Take a walk, Take a shower, deep breathing exercises. Anything to get you past the craving.

I received my book in the mail today. "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" By:Allen Carr. I read the book all in one setting. This book had such high reviews on amazon that I just had to order it. It had 386 reviews and was and is rated 5 stars. It was only about $11.00 with shipping. so I thought what the heck. Must be pretty good, and have some good info in it for as many people to have claimed to stop smoking after reading it.

I figured this was just another stop smoking book. Blah! Blah! Blah! Boy was I ever wrong. I'm not going to tell you what the book says. Allen encourages you to smoke while reading the book. When you are finished reading the book. You will not ever want to smoke another cigarette as long as you live. Well, I can't speak for everyone. That's how I feel. The book to me was the one missing ingredient that told me why I had failed on all my previous attempts to stop smoking.

I've never saw this mentioned in any forum. Without knowing this one little piece of knowledge. Most smokers won't make it to one year without relapse. If you don't know this one little secret he mentions. You are destined to failure long term. It doesn't matter how long you've been quit. Time is irrevelant. My last smoking attempt lasted 4 and one half months before I relapsed. I now know why I relapsed.

The book mentions nothing of all the deaths caused by smoking every year. It's not a gloom and doom book. It takes a total different approach. This was the best $10.00 I've ever invested in my life. I know now that I will never smoke another cigarette.I've never been able to say that before during any of my previous quit attempts. I urge you to read the testimonials on amazon concerning this book. 386 of them. 5 star rating. Then you must make a decision as to whether it's worth the $10.00

For me this book is invaluable. I'm not an affiliate pushing this book. I'm not making one cent by telling you about this book. I'm just saying this is the best info concerning quitting smoking. How to do it. When to do it. Why you should do it. Here's a link to the book
The Easy Way To Stop Smoking

Now for day 7. This had to be the worse day so far. I woke up early, my energy was gone. I didn't feel like getting out of bed. I was depressed. One of the side effects of smoking withdrawal. I made myself get out of bed. After reading the book, the next day started out the worse of any day during the quit. Little did I know that this was the "little monsters" last gasp. For those of you who have read the book. You know who the little monster is.

However, I didn't have any appetite. That's strange. In all my previous attempts to quit smoking I always ate like a horse. This quit has been totally different than all my previous attempts. My concentration has been good. In all my other attempts to quit smoking I couldn't concentrate. I would try to read something and it just wouldn't register. I couldn't remember anything.

Totally different this time. Concentration has been good. Appetite has been about the same as before I attempted this quit. I had gained weight in all my previous attempts to quit smoking. About 20 pounds last time that I quit for 4 months. Back to day 7. After I got out of bed..feeling very deppressed with no energy. I didn't know what to think. I had just read the best book on quitting smoking that I had ever read. Now I'm depressed and miserable the next day.

I wasn't this bad before I purchased the book. What's going on here I thought. Must be a case of the blues. Typical smoking withdrawal. I just have to make it through this day, and the next day, blah, blah, blah.

I just moped around the house all morning. Didn't have any energy. Around noon, I made myself take a bicycle ride. After taking a bicycle ride I started feeling a little better. Had a little more energy. I sat down at the computer to look at the latest news. After sitting at the computer for awhile I noticed my energy level was increasing and I was feeling much better.

I know this will sound crazy. But at one point. It's as if all the doom, and gloom, and withdrawal symptoms left all at once. I'm now in the middle of day 8. I haven't had one single withdrawal symptom since yesterday. I feel great. I have more energy than I've had in months. I now know the "little monster" is dead. I also know that I will never smoke another cig. Day 8 is almost finished.

Their isn't anything magic about the book. All I can say is it works. I'm more confident now at 8 days that I will never smoke again. Than I was at 4 months without a cigarette before. I know that's a bold statement. However, it's the truth.

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