Friday, April 4, 2008

Stop Smoking Day 14

It's been 2 weeks today since I quit smoking. This has been the easiest day so far. If it were possible to freeze a day in time. This would have been the day. I had maybe 2 or 3 thoughts today about a cigarette. Those thoughts were quickly dismissed.

Their will be a lot rougher days ahead. I remember last time I quit smoking some of my roughest days for craving a cigarette was day 41 and day 43. I know that makes absolutely no sense but it's true.

Like they say. Every quit is different. Here's a strange thing that hasn't happened during this quit that has happened in every other quit.My concentration hasn't been affected during this quit That's very strange. The other times I quit I couldn't concentrate at all hardly for the first week.

Another strange thing has happened. After 2 days of quitting smoking this time. I got my smell back. Here's the strange part. During the 4 and a half month quit last year. My smelling never returned !!!! Another strange thing about this quit is: My appetite hasn't increased This makes no sense to me. All the other times I've quit smoking I would eat like a horse.LOL.

Here are a few things I'm doing differently during this quit that I didn't do during the other quits.

  • I'm not going to any stop smoking forums on the net
  • I'm listening to the stop smoking self hypnosis tapes almost everyday.
  • I didn't and haven't told anyone that I've quit smoking this time.
  • The book of Allen Carrs has really helped.

Here is a link to the 2 cd's I listen to.

Stop Smoking In One Hour
Stop Smoking Forever

Victory Over Addictions This is a free download. Or you can listen to it streaming.

The Easy Way To Stop Smoking By: Allen Carr

THe Easy Way To Stop Smoking Audio CD This cd doesn't come with the book. It's strictly a audio book. A guy reads the book to you. Thers about 6 cd's in this kit. I ordered it and have received it. However, I would just rather read the book.

For those of you that hate reading this would be a tremendous buy for you.

I use all these tools in my cold turkey quit. I am drinking to much coffee though. One positive is I'm drinking decaf folgers instant coffee. Along with the above mentioned tools. Their is hard cinamon candy and those dollar general menthol flavored cough drops. That's it.

One other thing you may want to do if you are about to quit smoking is go to Whyquit They have some tremendous articles on their website. Hundreds of them. Their all free. I very strongly urge you to go their and read up all you can. It will really help motivate you. Till next time.

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