Friday, May 16, 2008

Stop Smoking Day 56

Hi Everyone. I've been smoke free for 56 days now. I feel much better since I've quit smoking. Coughing gone, dizziness gone, shortness of breath gone, tingling sensation in back gone, all chest pains are gone. Smoking was causing all those things !!!

The only downside right now is I don't have quite as much energy as I did when I smoked. However, this is normal from what I've learned. My energy will return probably within 3 - 6 months. I do have plenty of energy. Just not as much as when I smoked.

Withdrawal pangs are virtually non existant (sp?) I hardly ever crave a smoke now. When I do. It's always a minor pang and easily dismissed. One thing that is so strange about this quit is my appetite hasn't increased. I may have gained 2 pounds. I know I've mentioned this before. But I've never heard of anyone quitting smoking without having a huge appetite.

This quit is so much different than all the other times I attempted to quit. I know and have known since week one that I will never smoke another cigarette again. I've never had this much confidence in quitting smoking. I was never comfortable in my 4 and a half month quit last year. In the back of my mind. I knew I would eventually go back to smoking. I no longer think about cigarettes that way.

It's all due to "Allen Carr's Book" You can find a link to the book to purchase it in several of my other posts. Without reading allen carrs book. I would probably be back smoking today. I will keep everyone updated. Later.