Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Stop Smoking Day 39

The last 3 days have been going good. I still haven't smoked. Not even a puff. I almost gave in and smoked the other day. I'm so glad I didn't. After 39 smoke free days, I feel the worse is behind me now. I know their will be some rough spots ahead. i just have to take it one day at a time.

If you've ever thought about quitting smoking. Just do it is all I can say. Don't try to quit until you're ready though. If you fail, don't be hard on yourself. I've failed dozens of times. I know I just have to keep trying until I quit for good. Ones desire to quit must be greater than ones desire to smoke.

Choose a method to stop smoking that you think will be best for you. I'm doing cold turkey, along with listening to 2 different stop smoking hypnosis cd's. Read through all my posts and I give the names of everything I use to quit smoking along with links to the products.

Read the stop smoking articles on Whyquit dot com. As I've previously stated in other posts. Whyquit.com is a goldmine of information for anyone trying to quit smoking. Hundreds of free articles. That's all for now.

P.S. I was searching through some stop smoking articles and found this. Some of the medications prescribed to help smokers stop smoking can possibly make you suicidal. Here's the link. Click Here

(Sigh) Here's a link to some reviews of the "Commit Lozenges" Notice the people that are hooked on the "commit lozenges" while they have stopped smoking. Some are now addicted to the Lozenges Here's the link. Click Here Use whatever means to quit that works for you. However, using any product that contains nicotine may have you just swapping addictions. That's a choice you have to make.

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