Saturday, May 3, 2008

Stop Smoking Day 43

The past 2 days have been great. I haven't hardly even thought about a cigarette. I've had maybe a couple of minor cravings. No big deal. Those thoughts were easily dismissed. I received my "Artificial Cigarette"from ups yesterday. I talked about ordering it in my previous post made day before yesterday. Here's a link to the artificial cigarette I'm talking about. Ez-Quit

Here's my thoughts on the ez-quit artificial cigarette. I don't think I'm a good candidate to make a good opinion on it since I didn't use it until I was on Day 42 of my quit. With that said, Here's my opinion. On a basis of 1 star to 5 stars, with 5 stars having the highest rating. I would give this artificial cigarette 4 stars. I definitely recommend it. You simple insert a cartridge inside the cigarette. Then puff away. It has a good mint flavor. No smoke. No harmful nicotine. The only reason I don't give it 5 stars is because I didn't use it until day 42 of my quit.

Will this artificial cigarette replace your nicotine cigarette? NO !!!!! However, I look at it as another weapon to help one to stop smoking permanetley. The price is right. Shipping and all was about $23.00. I chose to have it shipped by ups ground. It's cheaper if you have it shipped through the post office I think. The cigarette comes with 3 cartridges. Each cartridge is supposed to last about 15 days. The cartridges are mint flavored. You can buy the refill cartridges from ezquit seperately when you need them in the future.

I'm not making a cent off any of the products I'm recommending. These are products that I'm personally using to help with my "Cold Turkey Quit." I have the ezquit artificial cig in my mouth now as I'm typing. It leaves a very refreshing mint taste in your mouth.

I have a confession to make. During the past several days. I've become obsessed with checking out stop smoking products on the web. Theirs hundreds of things out there to help you stop smoking when you are ready. Books, Cd's, Nicotine Replacement products, Hypnosis, Acupuncture, Herbal remedies, Lotions, Potions, about anything one could imagine. None of these products can make you stop smoking. However, If your ready to stop smoking. I mean really ready to quit smoking. I think any of the above products may help you. You see, It's not the product that makes you quit smoking. It's your mindset. The product just helps relieve the withdrawal symptoms.

I came across some products on the web that I didn't know existed. Their called "Electronic cigarettes" or "E-Cigs." Here's a couple of links to youtube that describe what the "electronic cigarette" is. Could this product help people quit smoking? Is this the product that all the smokers have been waiting for that will allow them to smoke almost anywhere ? You be the Judge. Here's the links. Take a look.

That's all for today.

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